Thursday, August 27, 2009

Conceptual Ideas for this Semester


A sarcastic insight on why money was created. What drives people to need and want money? Does it make the world go around? Is there a bigger reason behind currency than just buying stuff? In a world where money is king and is needed to eat, clothe and shelter yourself, could people possibly learn to not become so attached to accumulating it? Through animation, showcase the history of currency and how I feel it ultimately affects the world.

I did some research and found prints of different currency throughout the 1700s in North America.

I also looked briefly at other people's explanations on why money exists.

_The government created money and it was used to levy the good and services of the citizen.
Dstribution of wealth. Before money existed people just traded items for items. It's the same thing except you cant fit a fridge in your pocket.

_Originally, man survived by barter trading. Yes, exchange of good for good. There were evident problems with that and that started a search for a trade mechanism. There was evidence man once used cowrie shells, gold bars and coins. Given the weight and bulk of coins, use of paper notes was more favoured given traders usually travelled long distances in the past.

_Wampum, ke`kwuk, squau-tho-won; all are Algonquian words for shell beads or string of shell beads. Wampumpeage is a Narragansett word for "white beads strung". Throughout northeastern America, wampum was used for jewelry, gifts, communication, historical record of important events, religious ceremonies, and trade. It was the earliest form of currency known in North America. Its value was derived from the difficulty involved in producing the cylindrical bead from both Quahog and Whelk, and the scarcity of suitable shells.

_c. 3000 - c. 2000 BC Development of Banking in Mesopotamia
Banking originates in Babylonia out of the activities of temples and palaces which provided safe places for the storage of valuables. Initially deposits of grain are accepted and later other goods including cattle, agricultural implements, and precious metals.

Film/Animation composite

I am taking Digital Cinema III this semester and have a concept in the works for a film that could be extremely interesting with the addition of 2-D, 3-D animation and Special FX. The story is based around an artist that lives alone and has never seen outside of his home. He is afraid of the world and instead of being a part of it, he spends his days creating. Throughout his house lays only scattered paper, canvas, books and other art supplies. He never chooses to sleep, just merely passes out from exhaustion. There is paint over the windows to hide his eyes from the rest of the world. When he paints, he becomes the painting and when he reads, he becomes whatever is in the book. He is constantly in his own head, sorting through lost memories and reasons for why he hates the world and why the only thing important to him is to create.

_Ultimately I want the paintings, drawings, books and whatever is in his head to come alive through animation.

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